Friday, August 24, 2007

can someone please read my TB test?

Well, thanks anyway, but I did manage to get that done today.

I feel that I owe an advance warning to my friends and myself:

This is going to be a shit year for me.

I anticipate not returning phone calls, emails. I believe I will fall asleep, flake out.

Apparently I've already accidentally stopped eating. I just keep forgetting.

But I am working on not feeling sorry for myself. I've always believed that I'm "tough." I think I get to find out now.

Teaching six classes with four preps. Taking two classes with infinite reading and writing assignments. I can do it. Are you picturing that Rosie the Riveter poster? Because you should be.


Kerry said...

Hello, fellow new blogger. I'd be honored to link your blog to mine. Would that be OK?

Grace said...

yes, please! and I would like to do the same!

Kerry said...

We are officially linked!