Sunday, September 30, 2007

oh the lux jury: Sukkot break part I

Well, thank G-d for Sukkot! Each year in September/October, I am treated to a slew of holidays by the Hebrew calendar. First comes Rosh Hashanah, then Yom Kippur, and then the mother of the fall holidays, Sukkot. Sukkot isn't super serious like the first two, but it lasts a while, so I usually get close to two weeks off from work.

First a little background about Sukkot.

Sukkot is a seven day celebration for G-d's faithfulness to the Jews during their 40 years in the wilderness, before finding the Promised Land. In order to commemorate this time in their history, Jews build sukkahs, little
outdoor huts or lean-tos, and have all of their meals in them during the holiday. Some people call this holiday Sukkos, and it's taken me three years to figure out why and to decide on the pronunciation "Sukkot". Nevermind why, since unfortunately, the explanation I would give would take so much qualifying and explanation of the various definitions of Ashkenazi and Sephardi that you would lose interest.

Now, a lot of things that have nothing to do with Sukkot.

Tuesday. Day 1 Eve. What an
amazing night of P & H trivia. Our team turned out to be all female that night, so our team name was "There's No 'I' in Vag". We had a hilarious time, came in dead last, but were given a pitcher of beer by the host team, and, a stuffed animal.

This is where I started remembering my days in lists:

Wednesday. Day 1. bike blowout. tire flopping. rain. Otherlands + Court =Texas Hold Em

red wine + savory tarts=Karen is awesome. Otherlands redux, MFA reading. Comedy TN. homoerotic art. serious porch time.

Thursday. Day 2. The Office. Tracks. Spaaaaaaades!

Friday. Day 3. Lunch at Tracks. Weird waiter. The fair. Karaoke.

Saturday. Day 4. Karen out of doors. Grilling/football. outdoor Spades gone wild. Yard blanket bingo.

Last night I had a strange dream about how one of my professors lectured all of us on our non-proficient use of semi-colons. I freaked out about being falsely accused, hyperventilated, and had a panic attack right there in the lecture hall. I'm a fucking freak.

This has been a draft for a while. Imagonna post it anyway. I kind of like the way it turned out.


TaylorStreet said...

you should blog more. I crave entertainment.

Grace said...

even the slightest implication that my blog could be entertaining is encouragement enough.