Friday, September 7, 2007

we will, we will, smock you!

Karen and Tess and I are having a yard sale tomorrow. Yeaaaaaaaaa!

I've had one with my mom a couple of times and we had so much fun. But we always started like, way too late. Historians will look back and label this the most explicit theme of my life.

I raped my closets tonight and am selling a ton of clothes and shoes. Interestingly enough, it is much easier to get rid of clothes than it is to get rid of books. I am selling, like, two books. Out of hundreds. I accidentally tried to put some of Jeremy's books in the "to haul to Karen's to sell" pile, but he put the kibosh on that.

I bought a new sewing machine and I really need to be making stuff to sell at Cooper-Young. But in between work, school, and drinking, there hasn't been much free time.

Have a huge scrape on my right knee from Mary Jordan's Field Day Extravaganza on
Sunday, and it still hurts like a little bitch. I literally cannot run without falling down. This makes me wonder how I ever played varsity soccer and then I remember that I was wearing cleats when I played. I miss the word "Mitre." And then I remember that I fell down a ton then, too. Sigh.

The moral of the story is: don't be jealous of me because I'm half Polish.

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